What Are the Types of Personal Injury Cases From Car Accidents?
Motor vehicle accidents were responsible for approximately 38,860 deaths in 2020, according to the NHTSA. This means that in terms of personal injury cases, car accidents are one of the most common. Car accidents not only put drivers in danger, but motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians as well.
If you’re seeking legal counsel, you’ll need to know the specific types of personal injury cases relating to car accidents and how to get help. Keep reading for more information on auto personal injury cases and some of the causes of motor vehicle accidents.
In 2019, 36% of people stated that they’d used a ridesharing platform like Uber or Lyft. New York and other large cities especially have seen an incredible increase in the amount of Uber and other rideshare drivers. Now that taxis in most places are becoming a thing of the past, you’ll need to know what to do if you’re harmed by an Uber or Lyft driver.
There are multiple types of accidents that may or may not be caused by the rideshare driver. These include the driver getting into an accident while you were a passenger, if you’re driving and got into an accident with a rideshare driver, or if you’re harmed by an Uber or Lyft driver as a pedestrian.
You’ll need to provide proof that the rideshare driver was at fault for the accident. This is because Uber and Lyft drivers are independent contractors rather than employees.
In terms of compensation, it depends on state and/or county law. Whether or not the rideshare platform or the driver’s insurance is responsible for these payments will be up to the court.
Motorcycle personal injury cases can be considered either one vehicle or two vehicle accidents. One vehicle accident may be due to negligence of the motorcyclist or a manufacturer’s defect.
A collision doesn’t necessarily have to happen for there to be a case in a two or more vehicle accident. With these types of accidents, there may be multiple causes that lead to the incident.
These include debris that has been left on the road that creates unsafe driving conditions. Or drivers that either knowingly or unknowingly create a dangerous driving environment.
A driver may be considered at fault if a collision occurs due to impairment as a result of drug or alcohol usage, distractions such as texting, or aggressive or hostile driving behaviors.
You may experience a personal injury based on the fault of a city, county, state agent, or government. These injuries may be caused by a failure to maintain the integrity of the road, misplaced construction materials or debris, or misused or underutilized signage. These accidents may cause damage solely to your car, or lead to accidents involving two or more vehicles.
If you intend on taking up such a case, the first and most important step is to contact an experienced lawyer. Otherwise, it’s necessary to have an understanding of the local laws surrounding personal injury claims against the government or one of its agents. Additionally, you should closely follow the statute of limitations relevant to your case.
When driving on the highway especially, one of the things to worry about is an accident with a semi-trailer truck. There’s more to consider with a tractor-trailer than regular cars. This is due to the weight and size of the vehicle, driver impairment or mistakes, and possible equipment or mechanical failure.
A truck company or owner’s failure to maintain brakes, the steering on a semi-truck, or tires may cause the driver to be unable to properly handle the vehicle. Additionally, a truck driver and their employer may be at fault if a load of cargo isn’t properly secured.
Bicycle cases depend on what vehicle the other person or people involved were operating. Bicyclists have both a duty to pedestrians, and people operating motor vehicles have a duty to cyclists.
For the types of personal injury claims involving a cyclist and a driver, there are multiple factors to consider. Drivers often fail to check their surroundings before pulling into a lane where a cyclist may be riding.
Or they may put a cyclist in danger by following them too closely. This leads to more damaging and possibly long-lasting effects than a bicyclist would inflict on a pedestrian, for example.
Approximately 104,000 pedestrians were treated for emergency non-lethal auto accident-related injuries in 2020. If you were injured as a pedestrian in a car accident, know that it’s possible to file a claim. This will get you compensation for the medical expenses and other damages. Fault for pedestrian injuries in car accidents depends on various factors. Commonly, this includes negligent drivers.
These are the people you need to talk to first. If it’s clear that the driver was negligent, then you’ll most likely have a case. If the driver of the vehicle isn’t the owner, then the owner may be liable as well.
Even if someone isn’t driving, they may be somewhat at fault if they’re responsible for obstructing the road or causing another issue. This may be as simple as a homeowner leaving their trashcan too far out into the road making it difficult to pass, or unexpected hearing or vision impairment based on a non-driver’s actions.
Know the Types of Personal Injury Cases
Having this information about the types of personal injury cases and determining fault can help you figure out your next steps. A law firm that’s ready to take on your case is Sycamore Accident Lawyers.
We at Sycamore are experienced personal injury lawyers who can help you get compensation for the damages you’ve suffered. Schedule a consultation today and take the first step to get the help you deserve.