Motorcycle Accidents in Riverside: The Top 8 Causes - Sycamore Accident Lawyers
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Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents are widespread in California, according to figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). After Los Angeles County and San Diego County, Riverside has the third-highest instances of motorcycle accidents in Southern California. According to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune, motorcycle-related fatalities in California have more than doubled since 1997.

In recent years, nearly 5,500 motorcyclists were killed in the United States while riding intoxicated. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 80% of all motorcycle accidents result in the motorcyclist’s injury or death. There are many contributing factors to these incidents. Here are the most common and how to avoid them.
What Causes Motorcycle Crashes?
Motorcycle fatalities increased from 5.7% of total motor vehicle fatalities in the United States to more than 14% of all reported traffic deaths between 1994 and 2016, despite motorbikes accounting for only 3% of all registered cars. The following factors accounted for these accidents.
1. Alcohol
If you ride a motorcycle, you must have razor-sharp reflexes. Alcohol, on the other hand, affects judgment and lowers reaction times. In 2018, alcohol was involved in over 40% of all single-vehicle motorbike deaths. In 2018, motorcyclists with a blood alcohol percentage of more than.08, the legal limit, made up about 26% of multiple-vehicle crash deaths.
- Solution: Don’t ride if you’ve had too much to drink. If you decide to drink, park your bike in a specified area and call an Uber or Lyft to get home. If you have not been drinking, it may still be a good idea to take a rideshare home to avoid riding your bike near other potentially intoxicated motorists.
2. Driving While Distracted
Motorbike accidents are caused by distracted driving by both passenger-vehicle and motorcycle drivers. These mishaps might result in severe injury or death. For example, if a driver is distracted by phone conversations or text messages, they may collide with a biker, resulting in a severe accident.
- Solution: Avoid distractions while driving to maintain focus. Pay attention and keep your gaze fixed on the road. Also, watch out for drivers who appear to be designated in their driving and occupied by a distraction.
3. Speeding
Motorcycle accidents are caused in large part by speeding. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speed was a factor in 32% of motorcycle fatalities in a given year. In addition, many motorcycle riders do not adhere to the posted speed limits, resulting in accidents.
- Solution: Stick to the speed limit and watch for speeding motorists. If you cross paths with a speeding car, pull back and avoid them.
4. Inexperience
One of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents is rider error. Before beginning to ride a motorbike, it is advised that the rider enrolls in hours of training to understand how to operate the bike properly, follow traffic regulations, and use the road responsibly. The same goes for inexperienced motorists, like teenage drivers.
- Solution: Ensure you are familiar with the functionalities of your bike. Also, watch out for young drivers or other motorists who do not appear to be experienced drivers. Like a speeding car, you want to avoid these individuals.
5. Poor Road Conditions
Potholes, uneven pavements, missing hazard signs, and debris are all examples of road hazards that could result in a motorbike accident. Remember that even minor road defects can cause the motorcycle to slip or crash. Even worse, if the route is shared by heavier vehicles, such as commercial trucks on a highway, the situation becomes even worse.
- Solution: Keep an eye out for potholes and other dangerous road conditions. Always remain aware of your surroundings. If you notice a road hazard has not been corrected, contact the Riverside transportation department to report it.
6. Opening of Car Doors
Before entering the door, some drivers fail to check for oncoming motorcycles. It can result in a collision, especially if the rider is close to the door. Anyone opening a door into oncoming traffic can cause this type of accident.
- Solution: Before opening their automobile doors, drivers should look for incoming traffic. However, this does not always happen. Therefore, riders should also be cautious of approaching parked cars and watch if someone is about to exit their vehicle.
7. Unsafe Lane Changing
People in cars often do not see motorcyclists due to their smaller stature. As a result, don’t expect other drivers to yield for you when changing lanes. If you don’t have enough room to move into the next lane, stay in your current lane.
- Solution: Lane splitting is legal in CA. However, performing this maneuver is very hazardous. To avoid an accident, stay in your lane if you don’t have adequate room to switch lanes.
8. Rear-end Collisions
When you come to a sudden stop, you may cause a rear-end collision. An inattentive driver will either continue forward or see you too late and hit you from behind when this happens. One of the most prevalent car accidents is a collision with another vehicle.
- Solution: Avoid approaching other vehicles too closely. If you notice a vehicle tailgating your bike, switch lanes and keep clear of that reckless driver.

When You Need a Top Riverside Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Motorcycle accidents can be fatal, leaving riders incapacitated and impaired to varying degrees. If you are injured in a motorcycle accident caused by something other than rider error, you can and should file a personal injury claim. Our team of skilled and award-winning attorneys at Sycamore Accident Lawyers will assist you in obtaining the appropriate compensation for your accident. Schedule a free consultation with one of our top Riverside motorcycle accident attorneys today.